Name African Mahogany
Location West Africa
Texture/Grain Medium/Open
Specific Gravity 0.42
Hardness Soft
Strength Medium
T/R Stability 4.5/2.5%




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or those of you who remember the days when we turned to the back of a book to look up information on a specific topic, here's a good old-fashioned index. Look up the topic (or keyword) that interests you alphabetically, then click on the pages listed under that topic. Note: Pages that have a video associated with them are proceeded by a camera () icon.

A B C D E F G H  I J K L M

 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Interlocked grain -- Physical Properties

Irregular grain -- Physical Properties

Irritants -- Health Hazards

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Jelutong -- Mechanical Properties of World Woods (chart), Physical Properties of World Woods (chart)


bullet Drill bit sharpening guide -- Sharpening Drill Bits
bullet Gouge sharpening guide -- Sharpening Skews and Gouges
bullet Hand saw sharpening guides -- Sharpening Hand Saws
bullet Parting tool sharpening guide -- Sharpening Parting Tools
bullet Push shoe with pop-down heel -- Jointing Know-How
bullet Router Planing Jig --  Planing Know-How
bullet Skew sharpening guide -- Sharpening Skews and Gouges


bullet Cutterhead -- Jointing Know-How
bullet Infeed table -- Jointing Know-How
bullet Knives -- Jointing Know-How
bullet Knives, sharpening -- Touching Up High Speed Cutters
bullet Outfeed table -- Jointing Know-How
bullet Safety -- Jointing Know-How
bullet Saw -- Sharpening Hand Saws
bullet Set-up -- Jointing Know-How

Jointing -- Jointing Know-How, Jointing & Planing, Truing Lumber

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Keen Edge -- How Tools Cut Wood, Sharpening Know-How


bullet Jointer -- Jointing Know-How

Knives, sharpening -- Sharpening Knives

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Lacewood -- Mechanical Properties of World Woods (chart), Physical Properties of World Woods (chart)

Lignin -- Wood Strength

Limiting exposure to wood and dust -- Health Hazards

Live sawn -- Wood Grain

Long grain -- Wood Grain


bullet Cells -- Wood Grain
bullet Movement -- Wood Movement

Lubricant, sharpening -- Sharpening Tools and Materials


bullet Plain-sawn -- Wood Movement
bullet Quartersawn -- Wood Movement
bullet Rough-sawn -- Planer Know-How
bullet S2S -- Planer Know-How
bullet S4S --

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 "Abundant to all the needs of man, how poor the world would be without wood."
Eric Sloane in Reverence for Wood


I J K L Index for the Workshop Companion,
essential information about wood, woodwork, and woodworking.
By Nick Engler.

Copyright © 2009 Bookworks, Inc.